Beyel Brothers’ commitment to safety is second to none. We take great pride in the long history of continuous improvement in our safety program. Our dedication toward introducing new and better policies as well as regularly improving our current systems reflects our devotion to the needs of each client.

Continuous improvement is one of our core values, and we use our safety program as a management system for conducting our business with care and professionalism. We consistently review all stages of our operations in line with—and often exceeding—state requirements. It is not only the right thing to do, but the only way Beyel Brothers believes business should be conducted.

Beyel Brothers Crane and Rigging Safety Commitment/Goals:

  • Safety professionals in all regions
  • Supervisory training
  • Extensive employee training
  • Weekly, monthly, and quarterly safety meetings
  • Comprehensive safety check for all equipment
  • Operator certifications for all equipment
  • Substance abuse program
  • Employee discipline program

We require all employees, contractors, subcontractors, visitors and any others who may be affected by our operations comply with safety policies.